Thursday, October 25, 2007

Why your home might be Killing YOU and your FAMILY

Hello again! Sorry for the lack of recent updates, I recently got married and I am finally recovered from the madness!

Today's entry may come to a shock to some of you, but hopefully not all. I wanted to discuss the ever growing danger in our homes and environment, toxins.

How many of you clean your homes? shampoo your carpets? wash your clothes? get your clothes dry cleaned etc... you get the point. I'm sure everyone does a combination or all of the above.

"What's the big deal?" most of you will say. Well actually, it's a huge deal and the ever growing research is starting to show how these toxins are affecting our bodies and the catastrophic consequences of ignoring this threat to your health. In this entry I will list for you some of these toxins and where they are found in your day to day life.

There are over 70,000 chemicals commercially produced in the US. The long term effects of many of these chemicals have never been investigated. But many chemicals are harmful in very low doses. Unless generated by the body, the body's level for chemicals should be non-detectable, not "low level". Chemicals are widespread in our environment and constant exposure to low levels can cause dysfunction in many systems of the the body.

Here are just some of the classifications of toxins that we are constantly exposed to:

1.Electromagnetic - live close to power lines, sleep with an electric blanket, tanning beds, use a computer etc

2.Trichloroethylene - drink de-caf coffee, painting, copy machines, cleaning supplies

3.Formaldehyde - wear dry-cleaned clothes, foam mattresses, resins, glues, wallpaper, nail polish remover,

4.Pesticides and Herbicides - weed killers, store bought meat, veges, fruits

5.Volitile organic compounds - mothballs, air fresheners, laser printers, dry cleaning

6.Phenols - household cleaners, styrofoam cups, hair sprays, aerosols, Lysol, mildew cleaners

7.Carbon Monoxide - oil or gas stove, chimney damage, live on busy street, burn candles

8.Ozone - photocopier, power tools, ion generators, poor ventilation at work

9.Asbestos - live in an old house, have your nails treated with adhesives

10.Latex - baby bottle nipples, balloons, gloves, bandages

These toxins can affect every system in your body and have dramatic effects that you may not be aware of. It is a shame that no one is taking action to reduce our exposure to these toxic threats and a lack of consumer awareness plays a huge role. Thanks to modern science we can measure the toxic load to our bodies and measure the accumulation in the blood and fat cells.

In October of 2006, National Geographic wrote a brilliant article called the pollution within. I encourage each and every one of you to read this article and share it with those you love.

In light of all this blaring evidence the EPA and NIH have spent millions of research dollars to investigate this growing threat. There research has produced some staggering numbers:

-The indoor air quality in our homes is 70X more toxic than outdoor air
-Women who stay at home or work from home are 50% more likely to develop cancer
-Childhood asthma, ADD, ADHD, ear infections, immune compromise, bronchitis are all on the rise and directly affected by chemical exposure
-Fibromyalgia and chronic pain/fatigue is on the rise

So what can we do?

That is a very difficult and loaded question. I have this discussion with all of my patients. It is virtually impossible to remove every toxic exposure you come across. There are some threats that you can control and others that you cannot. Being a smarter shopper is the best way to start. Stop using commercial cleaners in your home. There are natural, safe alternatives out there that are just as effective as what you are using now and in some cases cheaper. It starts with you! Demand safer products, buy safer products and enhance the life of your family.

Here is another article from CNN of a California family's life changing story

If you are just as concerned as I am about this, please e-mail me at and I can forward you a toxicity questionnaire that might give you insight into some of your health concerns.

Please also keep in mind that toxic exposure accumulates in your body. Some synthetic toxins are stored in the body's fat cells, making you a toxic store house! As time goes by these toxins will eventually effect your health.

Stay healthy!