Sunday, December 30, 2007
The Power of Positive Thinking...
If you have not done so already, please read the book called, "The Secret". The book outlines the principles of positive thinking from a anecdotal and scientific approach. The law of attraction is the secret. It states that "like attracts like"
Our positive thoughts and visions will attract these things to us. We are what we want to be and everything that happens in our lives is a result of the energy we send out to the world.
Reading this book made me realize that I have a lot to be grateful for. Sometimes we take our accomplishments for granted and focus on the negative aspects of our lives. I challenge you all to be grateful for everything you have and focus on the positive things in your life. Envision your goals and show gratitude to yourself and those around you.
In the meantime, read the book and as always...stay healthy!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
FDA Urges Psych Warning for Flu Drugs
An FDA advisory panel will discuss the recommendations for these influenza drugs at a meeting on the drugs' safety next week. The FDA held a similar meeting two years ago on Tamiflu, after reports of deaths of children in Japan linked to abnormal psychiatric behavior.
Experts two years ago were unable to find a connection between the drug and the deaths.
In documents prepared for the meeting next week and posted on the FDA Web site, FDA staff recommend that Tamiflu's label be changed to note "some cases in Japanese adult and pediatric patients resulted in a fatal outcome."
The FDA staff also reviewed Relenza, a drug in the same class as Tamiflu, recommending its label be changed to note "reports of hallucinations, delirium and abnormal behavior" observed in some patients taking the drug.
(Reporting by Kim Dixon; Editing by Gerald E. McCormick)
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Hot or Cold?
When to use ice:
Ice is best used for acute (new) injuries that are less than 72 hours old. Ice can also be applied after exercise, physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation and general work around the house.
Using the RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) principles is a good rule of thumb to follow. Generally you should ice an area of your body for 5-20 minutes. Limbs should be iced for not more than 10 minutes. Ice should never be directly applied to the skin, you should have a thin garment or layer of clothing.
Icing too long can create what's called a Hunter's response. This occurs when the body think the area is freezing and actually sends more blood flow. Another concern is icing directly on the skin can cause ice burns, so never sleep with an ice-pack on.
When to use heat:
Moist heat is best applied to an area of the body that requires increase blood flow. It is generally wise to apply heat to an injured area after 72 hours. Heat can also be used to loosen up stiff joints and tight muscles and works well when applied before any rehab or exercise.
Studies have shown that applying heat to muscles prior to exercise greatly reduces muscle related injuries. A good place to apply these principles is in the shower.
Warm baths can be beneficial to the injured area, but use caution. Since heat increases blood flow to an area it can also create mild to moderate inflammation.
These are general guidelines, you should always follow the recommendations from your doctor or therapist
Stay healthy!
Red Flags...What you should be telling your doctors
Here is a list of symptoms that you should make your physician very aware of:
- night sweats
- loss of appetite or taste for food
- unexplained weight loss
- pain at night or rest
- swelling in the arms or legs
- pitting edema (squishy)
- numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
- poor wound or bruise healing
- blood in your stool (bright red or black)
- blood in your vomit
The above listed symptoms can be early signs of many disease processes. Be sure to have your doctor address some of these concerns.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Fish Oil, the Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Most people come to the office with pain and are taking a over-the-counter pain medication or anti-inflammatory. These drugs can have nasty side effects on the digestive system, especially the stomach. One of the other side effects is impaired wound healing due to to reduced clotting factors. There are natural alternatives that have virtually no side effects and have been clinically proven (double-blind studies) to reduced swelling and pain.
My favourite is fish oil. Fish oil has many well documented benefits. This link below provides a good summary.
Most Americans don't take in enough EPA and DHA to maintain optimum health. There are few dietary sources other than oily fish. Omega-3-fortified eggs, new on the market, contain only small amounts. Walnuts, flaxseed and other vegetarian sources of omega-3 do not provide EPA and DHA but rather a precursor (alpha-linolenic acid) that the body must convert. This conversion is inefficient at best and often inhibited by high intake of the fats common in processed and fast food.
Their (EPA and DHA) most important actions are reducing inflammation, reducing the clotting tendency of the blood, improving the profile of fats circulating in the blood, optimizing brain function (DHA is a major constituent of cell membranes in the central nervous system) and inhibiting abnormal cell proliferation, thereby reducing cancer risks. All of this translates into significant disease protection. (Time Magazine)
A therapeutic dose of fish oil varies from patient to patient and is dependant on several factors. These include age, diet, weight and appropriate digestive function. Since the side effects are at most mild belching, fish oil is well tolerated even in high doses. I generally recommend 3000mg of EPA and DHA combined. The number of pills you need to take will depend on the quality of the oil to take.
A maintenance dose is about 1000mg of EPA and DHA per day.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Why your home might be Killing YOU and your FAMILY
Today's entry may come to a shock to some of you, but hopefully not all. I wanted to discuss the ever growing danger in our homes and environment, toxins.
How many of you clean your homes? shampoo your carpets? wash your clothes? get your clothes dry cleaned etc... you get the point. I'm sure everyone does a combination or all of the above.
"What's the big deal?" most of you will say. Well actually, it's a huge deal and the ever growing research is starting to show how these toxins are affecting our bodies and the catastrophic consequences of ignoring this threat to your health. In this entry I will list for you some of these toxins and where they are found in your day to day life.
There are over 70,000 chemicals commercially produced in the US. The long term effects of many of these chemicals have never been investigated. But many chemicals are harmful in very low doses. Unless generated by the body, the body's level for chemicals should be non-detectable, not "low level". Chemicals are widespread in our environment and constant exposure to low levels can cause dysfunction in many systems of the the body.
Here are just some of the classifications of toxins that we are constantly exposed to:
1.Electromagnetic - live close to power lines, sleep with an electric blanket, tanning beds, use a computer etc
2.Trichloroethylene - drink de-caf coffee, painting, copy machines, cleaning supplies
3.Formaldehyde - wear dry-cleaned clothes, foam mattresses, resins, glues, wallpaper, nail polish remover,
4.Pesticides and Herbicides - weed killers, store bought meat, veges, fruits
5.Volitile organic compounds - mothballs, air fresheners, laser printers, dry cleaning
6.Phenols - household cleaners, styrofoam cups, hair sprays, aerosols, Lysol, mildew cleaners
7.Carbon Monoxide - oil or gas stove, chimney damage, live on busy street, burn candles
8.Ozone - photocopier, power tools, ion generators, poor ventilation at work
9.Asbestos - live in an old house, have your nails treated with adhesives
10.Latex - baby bottle nipples, balloons, gloves, bandages
These toxins can affect every system in your body and have dramatic effects that you may not be aware of. It is a shame that no one is taking action to reduce our exposure to these toxic threats and a lack of consumer awareness plays a huge role. Thanks to modern science we can measure the toxic load to our bodies and measure the accumulation in the blood and fat cells.
In October of 2006, National Geographic wrote a brilliant article called the pollution within. I encourage each and every one of you to read this article and share it with those you love.
In light of all this blaring evidence the EPA and NIH have spent millions of research dollars to investigate this growing threat. There research has produced some staggering numbers:
-The indoor air quality in our homes is 70X more toxic than outdoor air
-Women who stay at home or work from home are 50% more likely to develop cancer
-Childhood asthma, ADD, ADHD, ear infections, immune compromise, bronchitis are all on the rise and directly affected by chemical exposure
-Fibromyalgia and chronic pain/fatigue is on the rise
So what can we do?
That is a very difficult and loaded question. I have this discussion with all of my patients. It is virtually impossible to remove every toxic exposure you come across. There are some threats that you can control and others that you cannot. Being a smarter shopper is the best way to start. Stop using commercial cleaners in your home. There are natural, safe alternatives out there that are just as effective as what you are using now and in some cases cheaper. It starts with you! Demand safer products, buy safer products and enhance the life of your family.
Here is another article from CNN of a California family's life changing story
If you are just as concerned as I am about this, please e-mail me at and I can forward you a toxicity questionnaire that might give you insight into some of your health concerns.
Please also keep in mind that toxic exposure accumulates in your body. Some synthetic toxins are stored in the body's fat cells, making you a toxic store house! As time goes by these toxins will eventually effect your health.
Stay healthy!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
600 Physicians, Dentists, Scientists and Environmentalists Call for an End to Fluoridation
A statement asking Congress to end water fluoridation in the United States has been released by the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). Over 600 professionals, including a Nobel Prize winner, officers in the Union that represents Environmental Protection Agency professionals, and members of the National Research Council panel on fluoride's toxicology, have signed the statement.
The report urges Congressional members to “recognize that fluoridation is outdated, has serious risks that far outweigh any minor benefits, violates sound medical ethics, and denies freedom of choice.”
It cites eight recent events that call for an urgent end to water fluoridation. Among them:
- A 500-page review of fluoride’s toxicology by the National Research Council of the National Academies, published in 2006.
- Evidence from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that found 32 percent of U.S. children have dental fluorosis, which is caused by fluoride.
- The American Dental Association’s 2006 policy change, which recommends not giving fluoridated water to infants for the first 12 months of life.
- A Harvard University study that found a five- to seven-fold increased risk of osteosarcoma (bone cancer) among young men who were exposed to fluoride between the ages of 6 and 8.
- The CDC’s recognition that fluoride is beneficial in reducing tooth decay when it’s applied topically, not taken systemically.
The statement calls for members of Congress to sponsor a new Congressional Hearing on Fluoridation that requires those who continue to support water fluoridation to provide scientific basis, under oath, for their continued recommendations.
According to one of the statement’s signers, Dr. Arvid Carlsson, winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Medicine, "Fluoridation is against all principles of modern pharmacology. It's really obsolete."
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Can the act of eating slower change your life? Maybe so.
The Slow Food Movement grew out of Italy, some two decades ago, to counter the encroaching fast food movement. But this is not just about slow-cooked, healthy food -it's an entire lifestyle.
You may or may not be ready to switch pace in all areas of your life, but eating slower has several benefits that, overall, may pave the way to a more fulfilling existence.
What can you gain from slowing down at mealtime?
- Lose weight. Eating slowly gives your body the time it needs to register that it's full, which curbs overeating.
- Gastronomic pleasure. You have to eat--why not make it an enjoyable experience?
- Improved digestion. Digestion starts in the mouth, so the more you chew, the less work your stomach needs to do.
- Reduced stress! No time to defrag and meditate? Let mealtime be your moment of mindful being.
- Connect with the people around you.
Add to this healthier unprocessed food selections and you're on on your way to a healthier lifestyle
Saturday, July 7, 2007
The 5 WORST foods to eat
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
with Rachael Droege
There are no "bad" foods, right? Only food you should eat in moderation? Well, not really. The following foods are so bad for your body that I really can't see any reason to eat them. Not only do they have zero nutritional value, but they also give your body a healthy dose of toxins, which should make the idea of eating them really hard to swallow.
Doughnuts are fried, full of sugar and white flour and most all varieties contain trans fat. Store-bought doughnuts are made up of about 35 percent to 40 percent trans fat.
An average doughnut will give you about 200 to 300 calories, mostly from sugar, and few other nutrients.
It's too bad that Americans view doughnuts as a breakfast food as, nutritionally speaking, eating a doughnut is one of the worst ways to start off your day. It will throw off your blood sugar and won't stay with you so you'll be hungry again soon. You are better off eating no breakfast at all, or better yet grabbing a quick glass of Whey Healthier.
One can of soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories, 30 to 55 mg of caffeine, and is loaded with artificial food colors and sulphites. I can't think of any good reason to ever have it. The diet varieties are also problematic as they are filled with harmful artificial sweeteners like aspartame.
Studies have linked soda to osteoporosis, obesity, tooth decay and heart disease, yet the average American drinks an estimated 56 gallons of soft drinks each year. Plus, drinking all that sugar will likely suppress your appetite for healthy foods, which pave the way for nutrient deficiencies.
Soft drink consumption among children has almost doubled in the United States over the last decade, which is not surprising considering that most school hallways are lined with soda-filled vending machines.
Schools often make marketing deals with leading soft drink companies such as Coca-Cola from which they receive commissions--based on a percentage of sales at each school--and sometimes a lump-sum payment, in exchange for their students' health. School vending machines can increase the consumption of sweetened beverages by up to 50 or more cans of soda per student per year.
If you routinely drink soda--regular or diet--eliminating it from your diet is one of the simplest and most profound health improvements you can make.
French Fries (and Nearly All Commercially Fried Foods)
Potatoes are bad enough when consumed in their raw state, as their simple sugars are rapidly converted to glucose that raises insulin levels and can devastate your health. But when they are cooked in trans fat at high temperatures, all sorts of interesting and very unpleasant things occur.
Anything that is fried, even vegetables, has the issue of trans fat and the potent cancer-causing substance acrylamide.
Foods that are fried in vegetable oils like canola, soybean, safflower, corn, and other seed and nut oils are particularly problematic. These polyunsaturated fats easily become rancid when exposed to oxygen and produce large amounts of damaging free radicals in the body. They are also very susceptible to heat-induced damage from cooking. What is not commonly known is that these oils can actually cause aging, clotting, inflammation, cancer and weight gain. You can read the article "Secrets of the Edible Oil Industry" for more information.
It is theoretically possible to create a more "healthy" French fry if you cook it in a healthy fat like virgin coconut oil. Due to its high saturated fat content, coconut oil is extremely stable and is not damaged by the high temperatures of cooking. This is why coconut oil should be the only oil you use to cook with.
I am fond of telling patients that one French fry is worse for your health than one cigarette, so you may want to consider this before you order your next 'Biggie' order.
Most commercial chips, and this includes corn chips, potato chips, tortilla chips, you name it, are high in trans fat. Fortunately, some companies have caught on to the recent media blitz about the dangers of trans fat and have started to produce chips without trans fat.
However, the high temperatures used to cook them will potentially cause the formation of carcinogenic substances like acrylamide, and this risk remains even if the trans fat is removed.
Fried Non-Fish Seafood
This category represents the culmination of non-healthy aspects of food. Fried shrimp, clams, oysters, lobsters, and so on have all the issues of trans fat and acrylamide mentioned above, plus an added risk of mercury.
Seafood is loaded with toxic mercury and shellfish like shrimp and lobsters can be contaminated with parasites and resistant viruses that may not even be killed with high heat. These creatures, considered scavenger animals, consume foods that may be harmful for you.
Eating these foods gives you a quadruple dose of toxins--trans fat, acrylamide, mercury and possibly parasites or viruses--with every bite.
If you have a taste for seafood, there's an easy solution. It's best to avoid your local fish fry and try the only fish I now eat--the delicious wild red Alaskan salmon that was proven through independent lab testing to be free of harmful levels of mercury and other contaminants.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Still Convinced You and Your Family Don't Need Supplements?
The Compelling Reasons to Supplement Your Diet
According to Dr. Harold Willis in his book called, Agriculture, The Rest of the Story. Dr. Willis was with the USDA for 20 years. There are more farming problems today than in the past due to the following destructive farming practices:
a. Predominant use of inorganic salt fertilizers used for crop nutrients especially phosphates from left over explosives and ammunitions from World War II.
Discontinuation of using organic animal fertilizers that replenish the trace minerals back into the soil.
There is not one single source in scientific literature that states that the topsoil in
Soil tilling practices… not tilling the crop residuals back into the soil…most of the crops today are completely utilized.
Destruction of the normal microorganisms due to synthetic chemicals for weed and pest control which effects healthy humus formation in the topsoil and also alters the PH of the topsoil affecting the availability of nutrients.
Burning techniques used on crop residuals instead of plowing the organic residuals back into the earth.
The excessive use of antibiotics and growth stimulants on farm animals. Consider this, if livestock animals are requiring more antibiotics do you think the animals are healthier today than they were in the past? This problem may be related to the animal confinement techniques that raise many species in cattleyards, pens and cages instead of being outside in the sunlight and eating in the fields.
Recycling and refeeding animal manure and animal products back to animals is currently being done. It is thought that this practice is responsible for the MAD COW disease in
The constant introduction of hybrid crops for feeding to animals has to be considered. The food that is being grown and eaten today is not the same QUALITY of food that was grown 50 or 100 years ago.
Importation of meat from foreign countries and the lack of sanitary processing is demonstrated by the increasing incidences of E.Coli and Salmonella outbreaks found in processing plants. Improper inspection of foreign meat?
The lack of nutrients found in the modern diet is a result of the following:
To prevent spoilage fruits and vegetables have to be picked before they are ripe. A good example would be tomatoes, oranges and bananas. When fruits and vegetables are picked before they’re ripe, the powerful antioxidants that are contained in the skin and the pulp are not allowed to express themselves completely. It’s the ripening on the vine and the branch that allows this process to occur.
Most produce and perishable items have to be shipped and stored for months. Various methods that prevent the oxidation or rotting of food now include radiation. When you eat your apple today, think about when those apples were picked?
The idea that you can eat 5 to 7 fruits and vegetables a day may sound like a great idea, but unless the fruits and vegetables are FRESH, you are not getting the protection from the antioxidants that you think you are getting. Make every attempt to consume of at least 5 to 7 servings a day. It’s been reported that only 4% of the American public eat 5 to 7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Even if you are eating proper nutrients many people have digestive problems that prohibit the absorption of the nutrients from the gut into the blood stream.
In today’s society the population base is no longer rural and the food that your are eating is no longer grown locally like it was fifty or one hundred years ago. One hundred years ago people died from infectious diseases, today they are plagued with chronic degenerative diseases that modern medicine has little effect on. Today there are so many people that have been ill for so long that they don’t know what it is like to feel good. Today diabetes is an epidemic and how are they attempting to solve the problem, with a more efficient method of administering insulin? Doesn’t it make more sense to focus on the diet and prevent it? Diabetes is not an infection? Type II diabetes is not an insulin problem.
Food processing destroys nutrients.
A good example would be processed white flour.
Processed wheat or (bleached flour) loses the following minerals
Calcium loss 60%
Magnesium loss 85%
Cobalt loss 88%
Molybenum loss 48%
Over cooking of food destroys minerals and enzymes.
Temperatures over 120 degrees destroy minerals and enzymes. Did our early ancestors charbroil all of the meat they ate? Did they steam their vegetables? Did the Eskimos and the Japanese, whom many of the studies done on cardiovascular disease, eat their fish deep fat fried in transfatty acids to a crisp or did they eat it raw? Microwaving also destroys many of the minerals.
Prescription drugs will affect the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
The difference between a vitamin and mineral vs. a prescription drug is that vitamins and minerals are tolerated over a very wide dosage range. Vitamins and minerals are involved in a wide variety of activities in the body and they are constantly being used up. Vitamins and minerals have to be used for a long period of time with high dosages ( iron is a good example) before adverse side-effects take place. Minerals are ESSENTIAL, the body does not make them. They have to be obtained from the food you eat.
Prescription medications do not have biochemical roles in the body the way vitamins and minerals do. Drugs are foreign to the body, when their job is done they are usually eliminated.
Comparative causes of death between drugs and vitamins and minerals. Adverse drug reactions from properly prescribed medication, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association;
The most compelling reason to supplement your diet is due to the fact that it is impossible to get the required and essential nutrients from the modern American diet. The goal of preventative health care is to provide the body with the raw materials that are required to allow the body to maintain and heal itself. Your health is directly related to what you EAT…what you DRINK…what you DIGEST…what you ABSORB…what you ELIMINATE… and by what you EXPOSURE ourselves to. By altering any of the above…disease will manifest… not if… but WHEN!
Seldom does a day go by that I don’t receive an email, telephone call or read the obituaries about someone I know that has recently died or has been diagnosed with cancer or heart disease. Why is it that once people get the bad news they decide it’s time to change their lifestyles, including changing their diet and exercise. Unfortunately there is not a magic pill or supplement that will cure all their ailments? Our present method of health care is based on the premise that you don’t seek treatment unless you are sick, hurt or dying. Obviously this system is flawed. It’s not how long you live, but the quality of life you have while you are alive… its not how old you are but how fast you age! Everyone gets older but not everyone ages at the same rate! Doesn’t Prevention and Wellness make more sense?
Saturday, June 30, 2007
One Week Update...
Stay healthy,
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Glucosamine, where's the proof?
So what can you do? Well, the answer is not that simple. There is little you can do to reverse the bony spurs that occur with osteoarthritis (OA). You can however address the muscles, joints and cartilage of the affected areas.
Clinically, chiropractic manipulation of the spine has mixed results. Some patients respond very well to manipulation where as others respond less favorably. My approach consists of addressing tight muscles and joint capsules. I find that stretching is very effective in reducing "tightness" associated with OA. Of course the location of the arthritis may limit these treatments. Once the joints are moving more freely, there is much less pressure in the joints and thereby providing a lot of relief. The next step is dietary modifications. Remove all inflammatory foods from your diet, such as dairy and wheat. The next step is supplementation. There is strong scientific support for the use of Glucosamine to promote healthy joints and reduce the pain associated with OA. Although results vary from study to study, the literature does support its use.
All human studies of glucosamine have been done using glucosamine sulphate. However, there is new evidence suggesting that glucosamine HCL is more readily absorbed, cheaper to manufacture and provides more glucosamine by weight. Therefore, you are getting more for your money. For the purposes of literature review and for this blog, consider these products as equals.
*** the most common mistake patients make when taking glucosamine is that they do not take enough of the active ingredient and they do not take it long enough. Remember cartilaginous tissue builds slowly, subjective changes can take 2-3 months, be patient.
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
Bromelain is a natural protein-digesting enzyme from the pineapple plant. It has been used therapeutically for reducing acute and chronic inflammation in joints and muscle tissue. The literature supports the use of proteolytic enzymes such as Bromelain along with glucosamine to reduce swelling in the affected joints.
When choosing a good glucosamine supplement you should consider several factors. Glucosamine HCl contains more glucosamine by weight and is the most absorbable form. Look for a supplement that also contains a proteolytic enzyme (bromelain, papain) and a strong anti-oxidant such as green tea extract.
Be patient, appreciable changes and improvements may take several months to achieve. Be sure to make dietary modifications, exercise regularly and take a good multi-vitamin.
Stay healthy!
1. Reginster JY, Deroisy R, Rovati LC, et al: Long-term effects of glucosamine sulphate on osteoarthritis progression: a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Lancet 2001c; 357(9252):251-256.
2. Pavelka K, Gatterova J, Olejarova M, et al: Glucosamine sulfate use and delay of progression of knee osteoarthritis: a 3-year, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. Arch Intern Med 2002; 162(18):2113-2123.
3. Houpt JB, McMillan R, Wein C, et al: Effect of glucosamine hydrochloride in the treatment of pain of osteoarthritis of the knee. J Rheumatol 1999; 26(11):2423-2430.
4. D'Ambrosio E, Casa B, Bompani R, et al: Glucosamine sulphate: a controlled clinical investigation in arthrosis. Pharmatherapeutica 1981; 2:504-508.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Functional Diagnostic Medicine
My interest in this new field is a result of clinical frustration. I quickly realized that there is no cookie cutter approach to one's health even through natural means. Although two people might present with the same set of symptoms, the root cause may be completely different.
An example that might help you understand is Acid Reflux. A very common complaint amongst patients.
Traditional medical approach:
1. Dietary modifications; avoid foods that you know cause heart burn
2. Over the counter acid medication such Tums to neutralize stomach acid
3. If those don't work let's try Nexium (the purple pill).
Nexium reduces the production of acid by the glands of the stomach. Keep in mind the stomach is supposed to be acidic. This acidity helps to digest food and also aids in the absorption of nutrients such as Calcium.
**** this approach in most cases will eliminate the symptoms of acid reflux, but will not address the cause. Keep in mind there are also side effects to this approach.
Now, let's discuss the problem with this methodology.
The most common causes for acid reflux are as follows:
1. H. Pylori - a bacteria commonly found in the stomach
2. Food sensitivity - these are foods that your body has become sensitive to (different than an allergy)
3. Lack of acid production - yes, you read that right, most stomachs don't produce enough acid. Poor acid production can lead to poor break down of food, this allows the food to ferment in the stomach, producing pressure and discomfort.
4. Poor production of digestive enzymes - these enzymes help you break down your food. Digestion starts in the mouth. As you chew your food your salivary glands release enzymes that help you break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The process continues in your stomach. Without enzymes food would pass through our bodies the same way it went in. A simple example is a kernal of corn. Our body lacks the enzyme cellulase, this enzyme is required to digest plant matter. Since all plant cell walls are made of cellulose and humans lack this enzyme chewing your food become more important (more on this later). Poor digestion of proteins will lead to bloating, gas and foul smelling stool as an example. Enzymes allow you get the most benefit out of the healthy foods you eat.
5. Lack of healthy intestinal flora - Lactobicillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium lactis are beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion and nutrient absorption in the small and large intestine.
6. Poor chewing habits - slow down, enjoy your meal. Digestion begins in the mouth. Be sure to properly chew your food so your digestive track is not overworked, it will also increase nutrient absoorption. When a particle of food passes through the gastrointestinal tract (GI) it is attacked by digestive enzymes to allow the breakdown and absorption of the food.
So, it becomes quite clear that acid reflux can be multifactoral in its etiology. Using the same approach with each patient is a disservice. You must address the root cause.
FDM approach:
1. Complete a comprehensive intake form that includes over 300 questions about your general health, diet, GI function etc.
2. Order diagnostic testing that determines the exact pH of the stomach, presence of bacteria (good and bad) and digestive enzymes
3. Order a food sensitivity test
4. Restore the flora of the gut, supplement with enzymes, eliminate the sensitivities and restore the stomach pH is necessary
The treatment will be individualized for each patient.
Restoring the homeostasis of the digestive tract is very important in your overall health. Your stomach is designed to be acidic, this acidity will aid in the digestive processes and help with nutrient absorption. Neutralizing stomach acid will lead to further complications down the road.
These are some the side effects of Nexium:
Nexium and other heartburn medications increase the chance of hip fractures:
You can clearly see how the FDM approach is to restore the normal function of the body, not to further disrupt it.
Stay healthy,
How Regular are you?
This health tip may appear to be a bit unusual but don't under-estimate the value of having a regular bowel movement.
Regular bowel movements are vital for optimal health.
Optimal bowel elimination should be at least once a day.
Two times a day is even better.
Toxins are eliminated by having a bowel movement in addition to urinating, breathing and sweating. If you are only moving your bowls every couple of days, then toxins are accumulating in your body
Toxins will build-up and be re-circulated back through the liver causing a host of health challenges. Many conditions that plague Americans are related directly or indirectly to poor bowel movements. These conditions may include; leaky gut syndrome, migraines, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome etc.
In addition to regular bowel movements, your stool should be well formed and void of offensive odor.
A little odor is OK, but in the event your bowel movement causes your family to have to leave the house is not good
Stay healthy,
Grains, the real story...
Today's topic is a radical departure for most people.
The thought that grains could contribute to so many health problems is difficult to accept.
However, please read this important article and I would encourage you to give it a try for 30 days.
You will be absolutely amazed with the positive impact it has on your health.
Very few people know that there are strong arguments against eating a lot of whole-grain products, and that researchers don't agree on their value.
In half the world, bread provides more than 50 percent of the total caloric intake, and in a few countries of Southern Asia, Central America and the Far East and Africa cereal products comprise up to 80 percent or more of the total caloric intake.
Think about your own intake of grain products.
In a month's time, most of us will have eaten several slices of bread, several bowls of cereal with milk, pasta, rice, bagels, rolls, muffins, crackers, cookies, pastries, corn or other forms of chips, and tortillas.
One individual who has researched this problem extensively is Dr. Loren Cordain, Professor of Exercise Physiology at Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, Colorado.
Dr. Cordain is a well-known expert in the area of Paleolithic nutrition.
So What's The Problem With Cereal Grains?
- All grains have nutritional deficiencies.
- As we eat more and more grain products we tend to eliminate other nutritional meats, fruits, and vegetables.
- Cereal grains contain undetectable amounts of vitamin C, B12, carotenoids, and other vitamins and minerals, and they tend to displace foods rich in these substances that are associated with a decreased risk of heart disease and many forms of common cancers.
- Cereal grains may actually inhibit the metabolism of these nutrients and cause autoimmune reactions.
- Cereal grains deficient in vitamins but many contain substances that decrease the intestinal absorption of many other important nutrients.
- Both wheat and sorghum are not only low in biotin but seem to have elements within them that elicit a depression of biotin metabolism.
- Vitamin D utilization by the body can be inhibited by an excessive consumption of cereal grains.
- Cereal grains are good sources of phosphorous, potassium, and magnesium, but are poor sources of sodium and calcium.
- The high phytate content of whole grain cereals forms insoluble complexes with calcium, so that the net effect is a low Ca/P ratio.
- Phytate is a salt or ester of phytic acid that is capable of forming insoluble complexes with calcium, zinc, iron, and other nutrients and interfering with their absorption by the body.
- High phytate content frequently induces bone mineral pathologies in populations dependent upon cereal grains as a primary food source.
- Iron metabolism is affected negatively by a diet high in phytate and fiber.
- The bioavailability of zinc, copper, and magnesium in cereal grains is generally low.
- Cereal grains are low in fats, including the omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and docasahexaenoic acid (DHA).
- Cereal grain lectins can interfere with digestive/absorptive activities and can shift the balance in bacterial flora shown to cause problems with normal gut metabolism.
The potential to disrupt human health is high.
Autoimmune diseases occur when the body loses the ability to distinguish invading proteins from self-proteins that make up the body.
The loss results in destruction of self-tissues by the immune system.
These diseases are thought to result from a combined influence of environmental and genetic influences.
Dietary cereal grains are noted to be causative agents for autoimmune diseases.
There are a number of diseases that may occur with grain consumption including Addison's disease, asthma, autoimmune thyroid disease, dental enamel defects, epilepsy, liver disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.
The form of protein believed to be associated with auto-immune disease is gliadin.
If you have digestive problems or suffer some of the classic autoimmune reactions (e.g. allergies) consider the possibilities that grains may be problematic.
Look at your family members and your family history for clues about dietary problems. Adjust the ratio of cereal grains to meat, vegetables, and fruits and see if the adjustment has physiological and psychological effects.
In my opinion one should supplement with vitamins, minerals, protein, and free fatty acids. Above all, eat a varied diet and not too much of one thing.
- I encourage everyone to perform a food sensitivity test to determine the specific foods they should avoid. Chances are you are sensitive to wheat, gluten and yeast. From my clinical experience, 100% of my patients are sensitive to these foods!
APPLIED Knowledge is Power!
It is what you do with this new information that will determine the impact it has on your health.
Over the next 90 days, I would encourage you to take action. Take baby steps and gently move yourself in the direction of optimal health. I promise your life will take a turn for the good
Stay Healthy
By coming to this website you have taken the very first step towards a healthier lifestyle. I encourage you to become more proactive about your health, it is a decision you have to make. I also encourage you to consider the health of your children and those you love...share this info with them :)
This blog was created on June 25th, 2007 so be patient as new information will become available daily.
Living longer and healthier lives is something most people take for granted. Are you prepared to be 100 years old? Sound crazy? Well, most people that are 100 now, never in their wildest dreams did they imagine to live to be a centenarian! The decisions you make now will affect the rest of your life. Live for the future, not for the moment. Some argue life is too short, but life with chronic pain and disease is a miserable way to spend your latter years. Trust me, I see it daily in my practice.
While treating patients it has become very clear that there are a lot of public misconceptions out there regarding diets, exercise, supplements etc. I hope to address some of the misinformation out there.
As a Chiropractor, my philosophy towards health is simple. Prevent, prevent, prevent! It is much cheaper and simpler to be healthy than it is to be sick. As the saying goes, "you pay for it now or you pay for it later". Living a healthy lifestyle may seem expensive, but your health is paramount. Think of all those nights at the bar or at fancy restaurants...chances are you waste more money on unhealthy habits than on being pro-active about your health. Remember, you pay for it now or later, you decide!
Please feel free to post any of your concerns so that I can answer your questions!
Stay healthy