Monday, May 5, 2008

Drug Free America

I think this cartoon (one of my favorites) sums up the current oxy-moron we call a drug-free policy. From birth we are bombarded by pharmaceutical drugs and agents such as vaccines and anti-biotics that only create future dependence. What ever happened to eating a healthy, well balanced diet, getting plenty of exercise and having a balanced state of emotional well-being?

Science and research have done some amazing things over the past few decades, but the irrefutable fact is that nature did it best. There is no evidence to show that we are born with a drug deficiency. There is mounting evidence that lifestyle choices lead to nutrient deficiencies and movement deficiencies, which ultimately lead to poor health and decay from the inside-out.

It is your responsibility to take control of your health and well-being. think twice before you put anything in your mouth. Ask yourself is the food you are putting in your mouth contributing to your health or impairing it?