Thursday, November 8, 2007

Red Flags...What you should be telling your doctors

Today's post results from several conversations this week with patients. I find it more and more that doctors are not asking their patients crucial questions regarding their patient's health. Red flags are important history clues to rule out when they are present.

Here is a list of symptoms that you should make your physician very aware of:

- night sweats
- loss of appetite or taste for food
- unexplained weight loss
- pain at night or rest
- swelling in the arms or legs
- pitting edema (squishy)
- numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
- poor wound or bruise healing
- blood in your stool (bright red or black)
- blood in your vomit

The above listed symptoms can be early signs of many disease processes. Be sure to have your doctor address some of these concerns.

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