Monday, June 25, 2007

Functional Diagnostic Medicine

Chances are most of you have not heard about Functional Diagnostic Medicine (FDM). This is a relatively new field of medicine that is going to revolutionalize health care. FDM is a system of using objective diagnostic testing (blood work, urinalysis, etc) to determine the root cause of illness. The traditional medical approach does not address the root cause of most conditions, it merely addresses the symptoms. The flaw in this approach is that you are not addressing the real cause of the dysfunction, you are merely providing a band-aid solution.

My interest in this new field is a result of clinical frustration. I quickly realized that there is no cookie cutter approach to one's health even through natural means. Although two people might present with the same set of symptoms, the root cause may be completely different.

An example that might help you understand is Acid Reflux. A very common complaint amongst patients.

Traditional medical approach:

1. Dietary modifications; avoid foods that you know cause heart burn
2. Over the counter acid medication such Tums to neutralize stomach acid
3. If those don't work let's try Nexium (the purple pill).
Nexium reduces the production of acid by the glands of the stomach. Keep in mind the stomach is supposed to be acidic. This acidity helps to digest food and also aids in the absorption of nutrients such as Calcium.

**** this approach in most cases will eliminate the symptoms of acid reflux, but will not address the cause. Keep in mind there are also side effects to this approach.

Now, let's discuss the problem with this methodology.

The most common causes for acid reflux are as follows:

1. H. Pylori - a bacteria commonly found in the stomach

2. Food sensitivity - these are foods that your body has become sensitive to (different than an allergy)

3. Lack of acid production - yes, you read that right, most stomachs don't produce enough acid. Poor acid production can lead to poor break down of food, this allows the food to ferment in the stomach, producing pressure and discomfort.

4. Poor production of digestive enzymes - these enzymes help you break down your food. Digestion starts in the mouth. As you chew your food your salivary glands release enzymes that help you break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The process continues in your stomach. Without enzymes food would pass through our bodies the same way it went in. A simple example is a kernal of corn. Our body lacks the enzyme cellulase, this enzyme is required to digest plant matter. Since all plant cell walls are made of cellulose and humans lack this enzyme chewing your food become more important (more on this later). Poor digestion of proteins will lead to bloating, gas and foul smelling stool as an example. Enzymes allow you get the most benefit out of the healthy foods you eat.

5. Lack of healthy intestinal flora - Lactobicillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium lactis are beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion and nutrient absorption in the small and large intestine.

6. Poor chewing habits - slow down, enjoy your meal. Digestion begins in the mouth. Be sure to properly chew your food so your digestive track is not overworked, it will also increase nutrient absoorption. When a particle of food passes through the gastrointestinal tract (GI) it is attacked by digestive enzymes to allow the breakdown and absorption of the food.

So, it becomes quite clear that acid reflux can be multifactoral in its etiology. Using the same approach with each patient is a disservice. You must address the root cause.

FDM approach:

1. Complete a comprehensive intake form that includes over 300 questions about your general health, diet, GI function etc.
2. Order diagnostic testing that determines the exact pH of the stomach, presence of bacteria (good and bad) and digestive enzymes
3. Order a food sensitivity test
4. Restore the flora of the gut, supplement with enzymes, eliminate the sensitivities and restore the stomach pH is necessary

The treatment will be individualized for each patient.

Restoring the homeostasis of the digestive tract is very important in your overall health. Your stomach is designed to be acidic, this acidity will aid in the digestive processes and help with nutrient absorption. Neutralizing stomach acid will lead to further complications down the road.

These are some the side effects of Nexium:

Nexium and other heartburn medications increase the chance of hip fractures:

You can clearly see how the FDM approach is to restore the normal function of the body, not to further disrupt it.

Stay healthy,


1 comment:

jB said...

An excellent article. I have had acid reflux issues for many years now and I continue to stay away from various foods while ingesting Tums when needed. I haven't heard of Nexium but I used to have to take Pantaloc.

This is the first time I've heard of FDM and I am very interested to understand how one would be able to obtain this type of treatment.

The FDM approach seems elementary, yet, until recently, there has been a lot of band-aiding as opposed to exploring the root cause.

Good Read!