Monday, June 25, 2007

How Regular are you?

This health tip may appear to be a bit unusual but don't under-estimate the value of having a regular bowel movement.

Regular bowel movements are vital for optimal health.

Optimal bowel elimination should be at least once a day.

Two times a day is even better.

Toxins are eliminated by having a bowel movement in addition to urinating, breathing and sweating. If you are only moving your bowls every couple of days, then toxins are accumulating in your body

Toxins will build-up and be re-circulated back through the liver causing a host of health challenges. Many conditions that plague Americans are related directly or indirectly to poor bowel movements. These conditions may include; leaky gut syndrome, migraines, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome etc.

In addition to regular bowel movements, your stool should be well formed and void of offensive odor.

A little odor is OK, but in the event your bowel movement causes your family to have to leave the house is not good

A little known fact is that the army used stool analysis to determine the nutritional and health status of their enemies. Analyzing your stool can be a very effective way to determine your overall health.

Stay healthy,


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